
Alright, so you got all excited, tried to setup cloud and something went wrong? Don't worry, here are some common issues and how to resolve them.

Logs and system information

The first step in troubleshooting is to take a look at the logs.

For a description of your installation environment:

Remote control

If you are using Cloudflare for DNS, make sure the records do not have proxy enabled for the DNS records.

You can use a tool like to see if the DNS records has the expected values.


Under System > Home Assistant Cloud, Remote connection, you see the following message: Remote control is being prepared. We will notify you when it's ready. Remote control is being prepared


This message indicates that there is an issue generating the SSL certificate that is used to create an encrypted connection between your Home Assistant instance and Nabu Casa Cloud.


Depending on what is causing this issue, there are different steps you can try to resolve this.

  1. Wait for 5 minutes. It may take a while to generate the certificate.
  2. Check if there is a general network issue.

If none of the above applies, check if there is an IPv6 issue.

  1. To check the IPv6 connection, in your browser, open

    • Try the steps suggested by the website.
  2. If the IPv6 test revealed that there is an IPv6 issue, and if you are not running Home Assistant on a VM, try disabling IPv6:

    • In the UI, go to System > Network.
    • Under Configure network interfaces, expand the IPv6 dropdown.
    • Choose the disabled option and save the changes.
    • To have all network settings applied from scratch, reboot the host. Select Settings > System > Restart Home Assistant (top right) > Reboot system.


When trying to access the Home Assistant user interface, you see the message:

  • You're about to give access to your Home Assistant instance. Logging in with Trusted Networks. Login aborted: Your computer is not allowed.

Unable to connect to Home Assistant Cloud


This message indicates that you have trusted networks configured in the configuration.yaml file. Due to the way the Remote UI is set up, you cannot use trusted_networks over the cloud URL.


There's two ways to resolve this. Option 1 is to not use trusted networks at all. Option 2 is to use trusted networks, but only locally.

Option 1: Do not use trusted_networks
  1. Open your configuration.yaml file.

  2. Delete the entire type: trusted_networks section.

       - type: trusted_networks
  3. If you like, set up Multi-factor authentication.

  4. To apply the new network settings, restart Home Assistant.

  5. Log in with your credentials and multi-factor authentication.

Option 2: Keep using trusted_networks, but only locally
  1. Open your configuration.yaml file.

  2. Make sure that in addition to type: trusted_networks, you also have a type: homeassistant section.

       - type: homeassistant
       - type: trusted_networks
  3. If you like, set up multi-factor authentication.

  4. To apply the new network settings, restart Home Assistant.

  5. In the login screen, choose Home Assistant Local.

    • Log in with your credentials and multi-factor authentication.


One of your Home Assistant users cannot access Home Assistant remotely.


This indicates that this user is restricted to local access.


To allow people to access Home Assistant remotely, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Settings > People.
  2. Select the user.
  3. Enable Allow person to login.
  4. Make sure the Can only log in from the local network option is disabled. Disable toggle on 'Can only login from local network option'

Unable to reach Home Assistant Cloud


You are using the Remote UI feature. Instead of the Home Assistant user interface, the browser shows a 403 Forbidden message.


403 Forbidden indicates that IP banning has been configured in your configuration.yaml file and that the ban has been triggered.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  ip_ban_enabled: true
  login_attempts_threshold: 5
  1. Open your configuration.yaml file.

  2. If ip_ban_enabled is set to true:

    • In the configuration folder, you should see an ip_bans.yaml file.

    • In the ip_bans.yaml file, delete the entry.
        banned_at: "2023-07-17T14:20:03"
  3. To apply the changes, save the ip_bans.yaml file and restart Home Assistant.


Under System > Home Assistant Cloud:

  • The Cloud connection status is Connecting…
  • You see a message Unable to connect. Unable to connect to Home Assistant Cloud

This error indicates a network issue. It often occurs when the Home Assistant host has a bad IPv6 network configuration. Fixing the network configuration or disabling IPv6 on the host should resolve this error.

  1. To check the IPv6 connection, in your browser, open
    • Try the steps suggested by the website.
  2. If there is an IPv6 issue and the step above didn't work: try disabling IPv6:
    • In the UI, go to System > Network.
    • Under Configure network interfaces, expand the IPv6 dropdown.
    • Choose the disabled option and save the changes.
    • To have all network settings applied from scratch, reboot the host. Select Settings > System > Restart Home Assistant (top right) > Reboot system.


Calling a webhook URL can return various status codes for different problems. Below is a list of the most common codes and reasons.

Code Description
404 The webhook URL you tried is not valid. Visit the Cloud panel to verify the URL you are using.
405 The method (GET/POST/etc.) used for the webhook is not allowed. Check the trigger configuration of your automation to make sure you are calling it correctly.
503 Your Home Assistant instance is not connected properly to our services. Check your system health section.